Fantan (Playing cards)

by CanvasSoft



Can you what defeat successively? Lets challenge!

This game is a card game of an easy rule. You are a victory when having taken out all the cards ahead of an enemys. Can you what defeat successively? Lets challenge! [The rule of "Fantan"] - You can take out the card adjacent to the card at a central place. (Example: If the number of a set card is 7, 6 or 8 can be taken out) - You are a victory when the card of a hand is lost earlier than an enemys. - When you cannot take out a card. Please choose a "pass". - You "can pass" 3 times. - It will become game over if you turn a "path" four.いつもルルロロの七並べを遊んでいただきありがとうございました。この度、脆弱性の対応を行いました。引き続きルルロロの七並べをよろしくお願いいたします。